Words, Words, Words: Aiuola

Today’s word is aiuola (flowerbed) which I love simply because it feels so good to say. It’s like a diction exercise in one word! If you’re an actor or a singer and need to get your facial muscles warmed up, just repeat this word several times and you’re good to go! I also love that, even at only 6 letters and 2 syllables, it has 5 vowels! (This is particularly good to remember for the next time you play Scarabeo (Italian scrabble).)

The aiuola in front of the Vittoriano on occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification.

The aiuola in front of the Vittoriano on occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification.

The other day I mentioned that there was a certain person in my life who inspires my passion for the Italian language. Just in case you were wondering, Maritino means little husband, and this is how I refer on this blog to the man I was lucky enough to marry nearly six months ago. Not, as my mother thought, the name of an ex-boyfriend who used to write me Italian poetry! She was quite scandalized! Must remember to refer to him as The Maritino to avoid confusion in future.

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LanguageTiffany ParksComment